/ 5 Tips to Slow Down


If you find yourself feeling like you’re rushing through your days it may be time for you to integrate some ways to slow down. Intentionally slowing down can take time and practice. It can help you become more mindful and present.

01. Make time for yourself — When was the last time you spent valuable time with yourself? Read a book, practice yoga, meditate, take a walk in nature, try a new recipe. 

02. Wake up earlier — Get up 10 minutes earlier so you can start your day slower. Sit for a moment of stillness. Take some deep breaths. 

03. Connect with family + friends — We all want to spend more quality time with close friends and family, try to truly listen and connect next gathering. 

04. Practice gratitude — This will help bring you back to the present moment, but it also shifts your mindset in a positive direction.

05. Decrease screen time — Reduce your screen time and replace that time to explore new hobbies, exercise, or meditate. 


/ Get Fired Up


/ Morning Routine