/ Get Fired Up

Quick tips to build some heat and get you deeper into your body.

Begin with heat building breathwork:

Breathe: Cultivate Ujjayi breath by breathing slowly in and out through your nose. Slightly constrict the back of your throat and begin to build heat in the body with intentional breath. Let the warming sound of your breath be your anchor into your body. Remember to relax. Less thinking; more breathing. Continue this breathing for a few cycles and coordinate your Ujjayi breath with your practice. 

Favorite heat building yoga postures:

Warm Up: Start with 3 rounds each of Sun Salutations -  this is perfect for building warmth and strength in the entire body. 

Downward Facing Dog 

  • Begin in a table top position. Wrists should be underneath your shoulders, and knees should be underneath your hips.

  • Inhale as you tuck your toes under. Then as you exhale lift your hips up toward the sky. Forming an upside-down V shape. 

  • Spread out your fingers wide to push the floor away. Try to straighten your legs and anchor your heels down toward the ground.

  • Relax your head and find your gaze to your belly button. Hold here for five breaths

Plank (Kumbhakasana): 

  • Come into a high push-up position, shoulders are stacked over your wrists, root your knuckles down into your mat and find your gaze (drishti). 

  • Extend your legs straight back behind you with your toes tucked under and feet hip-width apart. 

  • Firm your thigh muscles and as your heart reaches forward, and you lift your low belly up and in.  Take 5 deep breaths here. 

Play around and keep things interesting. 

  • You can drop down to your forearms for a modified version or amp it up and build more heat by including some shoulder taps 

  • Lift alternating arms while keeping the rest of your body steady. 

If you’re daring - slip into a side plank. 

Side Plank (Vasisthasana): 

  • Ground down through your right hand, stack both heels to the right, and lift your left arm up to the sky. 

  • Try to gaze past the tip of your index finger. 

  • Lift your hips as high as you can and open your heart towards the left. 

  • Hold for 5 breaths. Switch sides. 

Tiger Pose (Vyaghrasana) referred to as “knee-to-nose” pose 

  • From Downward-Facing Dog, inhale to lift your right leg up and back (maybe bend the knee and stack the hips to open up)

  • On your next exhale, as you draw your right knee toward your nose, bring your shoulders over your wrists, and round your back.

  • Inhale to re-extend your right leg up and back into downward-facing dog 

  • Exhale to come forward, knee to nose.

  • Repeat 2 times on each side. 

Boat Pose ( Navasana):

  • Come to a seated position, your legs should extend up towards the sky 

  • Your back body stays lifted creating a V shape with the body. 

  • Try not to round your spine, lifting your heart forward and up 

  • Breathe and hold for 5 breaths - repeat 3x 

After all that heat you’ve built, your body deserves a sweet sweet Savasana (so good, I say it twice):

  • Lie on your back, and close your eyes. Try to relax and open your body fully, extend your arms out and away from the body, with the palms facing up. Allow your feet to fall open with the toes pointing out. Take a deep breath, relax your lower back toward the floor. 

  • Once you've found a comfortable position, stay for as long as you need, Around 10 minutes or more (if your schedule allows for it)-  If you're short on time, try to stay until your heart rate slows down and your breath returns to its natural rhythm.


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