Terms & Conditions


Terms & Conditions for Micha Yoga Students

Please take the time to read and understand the Terms & Conditions detailed below prior to booking a session or package. If you decide to book a session or package, then at checkout you confirm your agreement to these Terms & Conditions as part of the online booking process.

  • Your Booking is a Contract

When you (sometimes referred to as a “student” or a “client”) book a session or package with Micha Yoga LLC (sometimes referred to as “we” or “us”), you will be deemed to have agreed to these Terms & Conditions. Moreover, your purchase/booking, together with (a) these Terms & Conditions and (b) the details regarding the session/package of your choice (collectively, the “Agreement) will constitute a legally binding contract between you and us. (Note: If you book a session/package for multiple people, then all participants in that booking will be deemed to have read and agreed to the Traveler Terms & Conditions, and to be parties to this Agreement.)

1. Cancellation by Client

In the event you need to cancel your session, you can easily do so by contacting me directly via phone or email. However, if you cancel less than 24 hours in advance, or do not show up for your appointment, unless there is a true emergency*, you will be asked to pay for your missed appointment. There is a $75 late cancellation fee if the cancellation is made with less than 8 hours’ notice or if a client does not attend their scheduled session. There’s no charge if you cancel your session with 8 hours’ notice or more.

2. Cancellation by Micha Yoga

We reserve the right to cancel any session 8 hrs prior to a scheduled class. In this event, the client will receive a complete refund of all monies paid to Micha Yoga LLC.

In addition, we reserve the right to cancel any session at any time if, due to natural disaster, political instability or other disruptions and/or events beyond our control (“force majeure events”).

3. Immunizations and Travel Advisories/Warnings

Each client assumes full responsibility for verifying any requirements relating to and/or obtaining any immunizations which may be necessary or desirable for travel in the applicable country(ies) and/or region(s). Each client also assumes full responsibility for researching the safety and security conditions in the applicable country(ies) and/or region(s) during the period of scheduled travel, and being aware of any applicable travel advisories and/or warnings. Clients may also wish to consult a physician who is knowledgeable about travel medicine and related medical issues in the country(ies) and/or region(s) to be visited.

4. Health Certification

By booking a trip with Micha Yoga, you confirm that you are mobile and in good general health, and capable of performing the activities in the session you have booked. You also confirm that you have not been recently treated for, nor are you aware of, any medical condition, infirmity or disability (whether physical or mental) that would create an unreasonable risk to yourself or others.

5. Assumption of Risk

Micha Yoga is dedicated to providing a safe environment for all clients who participate in sessions. However, you must also take responsibility for your own behavior and safety.

6. Limitation of Liability and Release

You acknowledge and agree that Micha Yoga and its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, shareholders, members, employees, successors and assigns shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damage, liability, injury, loss, cost or expense you may incur (including any claim relating to personal injury, illness, death, property damage or loss, delay or other inconvenience) arising out of or by reason of (i) the acts or omissions of any Third Party Operator or (ii) the negligence of any of the TY Parties or (iii) any acts or omissions of any other parties or (iv) force majeure events.

7. Privacy Policy

Any personal information that we collect about you may be used for any purpose associated with the operation of a session/package.

8. Applicable Law

This Agreement (including all bookings and the Micha Yoga Terms & Conditions) shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida applicable to contracts entered into and to be wholly performed therein (without giving effect to any conflict of laws principles under Florida law).

9. Updating of Terms & Conditions

Micha Yoga reserves the right to update and/or alter these Terms & Conditions at any time. Current information can always be found on www.micha.yoga and any updates and/or changes will supersede any previous versions.

By booking a session/package with Micha Yoga, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the Terms & Conditions outlined above, and agree to be bound by those Terms & Conditions.