/ Morning Routine

Take charge of your morning and start implementing healthy habits to your daily routine.

A morning routine can increase focus and productivity for the day ahead, and can create a sense of continuity and calm. Having a more intentional approach to the day can also help instill self-confidence because your morning routine can have a ripple effect on the rest of your day. It’s important to find a system that feels natural for you and makes you feel good. Maybe it’s as simple as making your bed. It doesn’t have to be elaborate; the key is consistency. It’s really about knowing which healthy habits are best for you.

Here’s some ideas for simple morning routines: 
  • No Phone: Put off checking your phone. Every time we check our phones—especially after a long stretch of time away, like when we’re sleeping—we invite a flood of stimulation and bullshit into our brain space. 

  • Lemon water: Starting your day with warm water with lemon is a nice way to hydrate and stimulate your digestion.

  • Journal: If you are new to journaling, you might find a short gratitude practice is a habit that will stick.

  • Yoga practice: A home yoga program is a nice way to start your day with mindful movement and breathing.

  • Meditation: Even spending 5 minutes in the morning is enough to boost your focus and presence. 

  • Get Creative: The idea of a “routine” kind of has a connotation that you get shit done. But, honestly, one of the best things I added to my morning routine is dancing. Making time for something fun and silly helps me conceptualize the morning as its own unique segment of my day rather than just a prelude to work. 

  • Make a list: This isn’t for everyone but for me - it’s the perfect time to get some strategizing done  before the day really begins. When you take the time to write out and review your game plan for the day, you’re getting ahead of making decisions based on your mood. When we don't intentionally choose where to focus our energy and time, other people/things will choose for us. 


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