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Finding contentment in frantic times can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. This is one of my favorite tools to immediately gain more focus and presence. Mindfulness is defined as a state of heightened awareness around your moment to moment thoughts, emotions, and experiences. This activity is meant to give us a different perspective on our thoughts and allows us to see our thoughts as something that we have the choice to keep or let them keep drifting by. 

Let’s try it now:

This works best outside - begin with your eyes closed. Gently inhale to fill up the belly, and exhale to pull the belly back in. Repeat this breath on your own, letting your body become relaxed and full of breath. After a few long breaths in and out, slowly begin to drop your neck back and open your eyes. Looking up - notice what you see, notice what is around you and how you feel.




/ Gratitude Practice