/ Gratitude Practice

Incorporate a gratitude practice into your life

To begin, write a list of all the things you are grateful for. These things could include people, places, events or even feelings. It’s not the easiest thing to do but;

For the next week, aim to continuously add things to the list. Place this list somewhere you will often see it — somewhere that will remind you of the amazing things in your life. For example  — I feel grateful for my yoga practice  — I feel grateful for my amazing family 

For the next month, write a list of 3 things that you feel grateful for in life each morning or before bed. Challenge yourself to be grateful for different things each day.  

After the month, notice how you feel. Notice how your mindset has shifted. Cultivating a grateful mindset has been linked to increased levels of immunity, higher sleep quality and improved heart health.


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/ 4 Steps to practice your mindful moments from home