Terms & Conditions


Terms & Conditions for Micha Yoga Travelers

Please take the time to read and understand the Retreat Terms & Conditions detailed below prior to booking a trip. If you decide to book a trip, then at checkout you confirm your agreement to these Traveler Terms & Conditions as part of the online booking process.

  • Your Booking is a Contract

When you (sometimes referred to as a “traveler” or a “client”) book a trip with Micha Yoga LLC (sometimes referred to as “we” or “us”), you will be deemed to have agreed to these Traveler Terms & Conditions. Moreover, your booking, together with (a) these Traveler Terms & Conditions and (b) the details regarding the trip for your chosen destination as listed on our website (collectively, the “Agreement) will constitute a legally binding contract between you and us. (Note: If you book a trip for multiple people traveling together, then all travelers in that booking will be deemed to have read and agreed to the Traveler Terms & Conditions, and to be parties to this Agreement.)

2. Deposit

In order to confirm your booking with us, you will be required to pay A NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT OF $450 (some trips may be more) towards the total price of your trip. However, if your booking is made within 60 days of the trip start date (except for trips where the relevant date is 90 days prior to the trip start date), then the full amount is payable at the time of booking.

3. Final Payment

Payment of the balance of the trip price is due 60 days prior to the trip start date (except for trips where the due date is 90 days prior to trip start date or noted otherwise). If the balance is not paid on or before the due date, we reserve the right to treat your booking as canceled.

4. Passport, Visas and Other Travel Documents

For trips outside the U.S. (or your home country, if you are not a U.S. citizen), you must carry a valid passport and have obtained all other required travel documents (visas, permits, certificates etc.) for the country(ies) you will visit during your trip. For many countries, your passport must be valid for at least 6 months beyond the duration of the trip; please make sure to research the applicable passport requirements for each country you plan to visit.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are in possession of all such required travel documents for your trip. We are not responsible if you are refused entry to a country because you lack the correct travel documents.

5. Your Details

For us to confirm your booking, you must provide us with certain personal information, if requested by us, no later than the date on which you pay the balance of the trip price. The precise information may vary from trip to trip, but the types of information we may require include, by way of example:

  • Full name (as it appears on passport)

  • Passport number

  • Color copy of passport photo page

  • Date of Birth

  • Dietary requests/restrictions

Any medical conditions, injuries or physical limitations which you want us to know about and/or which may affect your ability to participate fully in some aspects of the trip.

6. Requests for Roommate Matching

If you are traveling solo but do not want to pay the higher price for “single occupancy,” then you should notify us at the time of booking. We will do our best to match solo travelers with a roommate of the same gender in order to accommodate the request for the lower “double occupancy” rate.

However, if we are unable to match you with a roommate as of the due date for final payment, then you will be charged the double occupancy rate plus a “single surcharge” equal to 50% of the price difference between the single and double occupancy. If we are able to match you with a roommate after the final payment (including the “single surcharge”) has been made, then we will happily refund the “single surcharge” to you. Micha Yoga LLC makes no promise or guarantee that we can match you with a roommate (for the double occupancy rate) on any given trip.

7. What’s Included in the Price of Your Trip

The price of your trip includes:

  • All accommodations as listed on our website under each retreats “Official Itinerary”

  • All meals as listed in the retreats “Official Itinerary”

  • Ground transfers* to the retreat location as described on the website under each retreats “Official Itinerary”

  • Yoga instruction as described on our website under the retreats “Official Itinerary”; and

  • Those additional items listed on our website under the retreats “Official Itinerary”
    8. What’s Excluded from the Price of Your Trip

The price of your trip does not include:

  • Flights/Airfare to the starting point of your trip

  • Excess baggage charges

  • Fees for travel documents (passports, visas, etc.)

  • Travel insurance

  • Alcoholic beverages

  • Optional Activities

  • Gratuities

  • Personal expenses
    9. Optional Activities

Optional activities (other than excursions which are listed on our website as “Included”) are not included in the trip price, and do not form part of the trip or this Agreement. You acknowledge and agree that any assistance provided by any trip leader, yoga instructor or local representative in arranging optional activities does not render us liable for them.

10. Cancellation by Traveler

If you wish to cancel your booking, you may do so any time up to (and including) the 60th day before the scheduled trip start date (except 91 days with respect to certain trips); and in that event, we will refund all amounts paid EXCEPT for the initial deposit which is non-refundable. If you cancel your booking 31-59 days before the retreat you will receive 50% back of your payment EXCLUDING the initial deposit which is non-refundable. If you cancel your booking  less than 30 days before the trip days (or 61 days for certain trips) prior to the scheduled trip start date (or if you fail to show up, or if you leave a trip prior to its completion for any reason), then you will not be entitled to any refund. Bookings for all trips are non-transferable. Note: As outlined in Section 14 below, we strongly recommend that you purchase travel insurance.

11. Cancellation by Micha Yoga

We reserve the right to cancel any trip or any portion of any trip at any time up to (and including) the 61st day before the scheduled trip start date (except 91 days with respect to certain trips). In this event, the client will receive a complete refund of all monies paid to Micha Yoga LLC.

In addition, we reserve the right to cancel any trip at any time if, due to natural disaster, political instability or other disruptions and/or events beyond our control (“force majeure events”), the operation of the trip would be unsafe or otherwise unviable. In the event a trip is cancelled due to a force majeure event, the client will receive a refund equal to the monies paid to Micha Yoga  less any costs incurred by Micha Yoga which are not recoverable. Note: As outlined in Section 14 below, we strongly recommend that you purchase travel insurance.

12. Discretion to Reject Bookings and/or to Deny Participation by Certain Clients

  • Micha Yoga reserves the right, in the exercise of its discretion and judgment, to reject any client booking and/or to deny participation by any client in a trip at any time prior to the trip start date, if we believe a client poses a risk or may be disruptive to other clients or to the yoga instructor. If a client booking is rejected and/or a client is denied participation in a trip prior to the trip start date, then that client will receive a full refund of all monies paid to Micha Yoga for that trip.

  • Furthermore, each yoga instructor leading a trip also has the authority, in the exercise of his/her discretion and judgment, to deny participation by any client, if the instructor believes the client’s continued participation will be disruptive to the overall trip experience, to the other clients and/or to the instructor. If a client is denied participation in a trip after the trip start date, then the client will forfeit all monies paid.
    13. Itineraries

The itinerary given for each trip represents a general plan for that trip (including the day-by-day schedule of activities). However, you acknowledge and accept that circumstances may arise which result in changes to the listed itinerary. These changes may include, without limitation, delays and/or partial or complete changes in the following: the itinerary, trip leaders/yoga instructors, frequency of yoga sessions, quality or location of lodging, modes or quality of transportation, etc. You understand and agree that: (i) Micha Yoga and/or its designees may make last-minute or on-site decisions to address changed circumstances, (ii) Micha Yoga does not guarantee conformity with any itineraries that have been published or furnished to you or any other clients, and (iii) Micha Yoga reserves the right to change the itinerary with or without notice to you. Furthermore, all yoga instruction/classes will be provided in the manner determined by each individual yoga instructor, in his/her discretion, and will follow that instructor’s individual style. Prior to booking, all travelers should familiarize themselves with their yoga instructor’s style and background as listed in the “Team” section for your selected trip as listed on our website.

14. Travel Insurance

Micha Yoga strongly advises all clients to purchase travel insurance in connection with all bookings. Moreover, for certain trips, travel insurance is required. While the coverage provided by travel insurance varies based on the policy you purchase, as a general rule, this type of insurance may provide coverage for a variety of losses which a client may incur relating to a booking, including losses relating to trip cancellation, illness, injury, theft, lost or damaged property, etc.

Be aware that, except for the limited refund rights outlined in Sections 10, 11 and 12 above for various cancellation scenarios, each client is 100% responsible for any losses, penalties, fees or other financial consequences arising out of any booking or trip, or the cancellation or interruption of any booking or trip (including, by way of example, costs related to airline tickets and fees, passport fees, visa fees, medical expenses, etc.). For all of these reasons, we urge you to purchase travel insurance promptly following booking.

15. Photos and Marketing

With respect to still photos and/or video footage from the trip which include(s) your image and/or name, you irrevocably grant us the right to use those photos and/or footage for marketing and promotional purposes (including, without limitation, on our website, in advertisements, marketing materials and/or on our social media platforms), on a royalty-free basis, throughout the world and in perpetuity.

With respect to any still photos and/or video footage from the trip which were shot by you and posted on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any other social media platform, you irrevocably grant us the right to re-post those photos and/or footage on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any other such social media platform, on a royalty-free basis, throughout the world and in perpetuity. We will use good faith efforts to credit you as the source of any such photos or footage that we re-post; but our failure to do so will not be a breach of these Traveler Terms & Conditions or invalidate the foregoing grant of rights. If you notify us of our failure to credit you, we will remedy that failure as promptly as practicable, in a reasonable manner (which may include the addition of credit, or the take-down of the applicable photo or footage), following receipt of your notice.

16. Immunizations and Travel Advisories/Warnings

Each client assumes full responsibility for verifying any requirements relating to and/or obtaining any immunizations which may be necessary or desirable for travel in the applicable country(ies) and/or region(s). Each client also assumes full responsibility for researching the safety and security conditions in the applicable country(ies) and/or region(s) during the period of scheduled travel, and being aware of any applicable travel advisories and/or warnings. Clients may also wish to consult a physician who is knowledgeable about travel medicine and related medical issues in the country(ies) and/or region(s) to be visited.

17. Health Certification

By booking a trip with Micha Yoga, you confirm that you are mobile and in good general health, and capable of performing the activities contemplated for the trip you have booked. You also confirm that you are capable of caring for yourself during the trip, and that you will not impede the progress of the trip or the enjoyment of other travelers. You also confirm that you have not been recently treated for, nor are you aware of, any medical condition, infirmity or disability (whether physical or mental) that would create an unreasonable risk to yourself or others in connection with the trip.

18. Third Party Operators and Yoga Instructors are Independent Contractors

Micha Yoga does not own, operate or control any person or entity that provides any goods or services for your trip (“Third Party Operators”), including any lodging facilities, airline, ground or water transportation, yoga studio, yoga instructor(s), tour operator, food service provider, etc. Rather, we contract with Third Party Operators to provide all goods and services for your trip; and you understand that all Third Party Operators are independent contractor(s), and not affiliates or employees of Micha Yoga. In selecting Third Party Operators, we do our best to seek out reliable suppliers and contractors to provide the necessary travel-related goods and and services.  Accordingly, in the absence of gross negligence by the Micha Yoga, you understand and agree that Micha Yoga shall not have any responsibility or liability for any acts or omissions of any Third Party Operators in connection with your trip. Without limiting the foregoing, we will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damage, liability, injury, loss cost or expense you may incur (including any claim relating to personal injury, illness, death, property damage or loss, delay or other inconvenience) arising out of or by reason of the acts or omissions of any Third Party Operator.

19. Assumption of Risk

Micha Yoga is dedicated to providing a safe environment for all clients who participate on our trips. However, you must take responsibility for your own behavior and safety. Furthermore, you understand and assume the risks and hazards inherent in travel. These risks and hazards may include, without limitation, delays, injury, illness, death or other unanticipated events, and may be caused by force majeure events, the negligence of Micha Yoga or other persons (including third party operators), the intentional and/or criminal conduct of others or other circumstances. Certain locations are remote and require additional travel time away from city centers and towns; as such, medical attention may not always be readily available or may be of inferior quality compared to what is available at home. Also, you may be visiting places where the political, cultural and geographical environment is very different from where you live, and in some cases, these differences may present increased risks and/or challenges. We use reasonably available information from the U.S. government, applicable foreign governments and reports from our contacts in planning each trip itinerary, and assessing the viability of each trip itinerary as the start date approaches. However, it is your responsibility to acquaint yourself with all available and relevant travel information for your destination and the nature of your itinerary. You acknowledge and agree that your decision to travel is made after having considered this information, and you expressly assume the personal risks involved with such travel.

20. Limitation of Liability and Release

You acknowledge and agree that Micha Yoga and its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, shareholders, members, employees, successors and assigns (collectively, the “TY Parties”) shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damage, liability, injury, loss, cost or expense you may incur (including any claim relating to personal injury, illness, death, property damage or loss, delay or other inconvenience) arising out of or by reason of (i) the acts or omissions of any Third Party Operator or (ii) the negligence of any of the TY Parties or (iii) any acts or omissions of any other parties or (iv) force majeure events.

You release the TY Parties from any and all claims, liabilities, losses, expenses, damages, demands, actions, causes of action, lawsuits or sums of money of any kind arising out of, by reason of, resulting from and/or related to any trip you may book and/or participate in; and you understand and acknowledge that you are fully responsible for and expressly assume any and all risks, whether known or unknown, in connection therewith.

21. Privacy Policy

Any personal information that we collect about you may be used for any purpose associated with the operation of a trip or to send you marketing material in relation to our events and special offers. The information may be disclosed to our agents, service providers or other suppliers to enable us to operate the trip.

22. Applicable Law

This Agreement (including all bookings and the Micha Yoga Terms & Conditions) shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida applicable to contracts entered into and to be wholly performed therein (without giving effect to any conflict of laws principles under Florida law).

23. Updating of Terms & Conditions

Micha Yoga reserves the right to update and/or alter these Terms & Conditions at any time. Current information can always be found on www.micha.yoga and any updates and/or changes will supersede any previous versions.


By booking a trip with Micha Yoga, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the Terms & Conditions outlined above, and agree to be bound by those Terms & Conditions.