The Mindful Kids Programs are such a great way to get kids and teenagers in their bodies, feeling rather than thinking. Building confidence, learning healthy habits and techniques to relax, focus and get them through stressful times ahead. Classes can be organized to fit into any school schedule- weekly, themed workshops, classes for sporting teams, co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

Mindful Kids Program

The mission is to help kids thrive in the world regardless of circumstances, and navigate the many challenges they face with a sense of personal power and self-awareness. This research-based mindfulness curriculum teaches students to calm their bodies and focus their thoughts through breathing, mindful movement, and relaxation. Practices are offered for grades K-12 in private and public schools, community centers, and camps.

Mindful Kids Method

This curriculum is aligned to social-emotional learning standards and can be directly integrated into the school day or program. The tools learned can be used at the start of class, before a test, to help students calm down, or after transitions. Students will enjoy arts and crafts, play fun yoga games, relax with imaginative yoga stories and 30-minute lessons that include mat-based movement, focused breathing, and guided relaxation.


Benefits of Yoga for theYouth


Social-Emotional Skills

Yoga and mindfulness may have beneficial effects on a variety of social-emotional outcomes such as improved self-regulation, reduced hostility, and fewer problem behaviors.


Physical Health

Studies have found that mindfulness reduces blood pressure and enhances sleep qualityin high school students. Research also suggests that yoga enhances physical well-being, physical fitness, and balance, strength and flexibility in youth.

Academic Performance

Yoga and mindfulness may have beneficial effects on academic performance, such as improvements in quarterly grades and high-stakes test scores, and preventing declines in Grade Point Average and high-stakes test (GPA).


Mental Health

Yoga and mindfulness may have beneficial effects on outcomes related to children’s psychological well-being, such as reducing anxiety and depression, alleviating stress, and improving mental health.

Get Started

Help your students balance their emotions, increase their focus and improve their capacity for achievement. Click below and share some basic information about your school or company, and we’ll explore your options.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for us, helping us be calm and now we’re more flexible - you’re a great teacher for this camp.”

— Diego, Student from First Serve Summer Camp